Welcome to the Midlands Region of the Middle Kingdom, also known as the Midrealm. The Middle Kingdom is one of many Kingdoms within the Society for Creative Anachronism, commonly known as the SCA. The Midlands Region is comprised of the state of Illinois and Scott County, Iowa.
Unfamiliar with the SCA? Visit the SCA Newcomer’s Portal for a brief overview.

Find Your Local Group
Barony of Ayreton
Chicago & Surrounding Area
Shire of Baile na Scolairi
McLean County Area
Shire of Blackhawk
Rockford Area
Shire of Caer Gwynt
East Central Illinois
Barony of Carraig Ban
Dekalb & Surrounding Area
Shire of Dark River
Muscatine, Clinton & Scott Counties
Barony of Illiton
Peoria & Surrounding Area
Shire of Ravenslake
Lake & McHenry Counties
Shire of Runvidarstadr
Jo Daviees & Stephenson Counties
Barony of Shattered Crystal
St. Louis & Surrounding Area
Shire of Swordcliff
Springfield Area

Chicago & Surrounding Areas

McLean County Area

Rockford Area

East Central Illinois

Dekalb & Surrounding Area

Muscatine, Clinton & Scott Counties

Aurora & Western Cities {Ayreton}

South Chicago & Suburbs {Ayreton}

Peoria & Surrounding Area

West Central Illinois {Illiton}

Lake & McHenry Counties

Southwest Chicago Suburbs {Ayreton}

Jo Daviees & Stephenson Counties

St. Louis & Surrounding Area

Springfield Area

Northern Chicago {Ayreton}

Northwhest Chicago Suburbs {Ayreton}